Mouth Cancer Screening

Mouth cancer can affect anyone, whether they have their own teeth or not. For people over 40, Mouth cancers are more common, particularly men. However, according to the research mouth cancer is becoming more common in younger patients and in women.

What can cause oral cancer?

Among tobacco and alcohol users oral cancer is more common.

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of oral cancer and mixed with tobacco use, the risk is even greater. Lip cancer can also be caused due to exposure to sun without protection.

How can mouth cancer be detected early?

we recommend regular oral and dental check-ups as early detection increases success rates. The earlier the abnormality is caught, the smaller the ulcer is likely to be. Regular dental health checks and yearly oral cancer checks make early identification possible. As a patient at our practice you will always be checked for cancer during your regular check-up by your dentist.

As a patient at our practice your dentist will always check for cancer during your regular check-up.

What are the symptoms of oral or mouth cancer?

Symptoms can include:

  • Red or white patches on the lining of your mouth or tongue
  • Ulcers
  • Lumps

Tips for a healthy mouth

  • Visit your dentist and hygienist regularly
  • Whilst brushing your teeth look out for any abnormalities like ulcers (they can be painless) or any red or white patches
  • Sun exposure: use a lip balm with sun protection and avoid over exposure
  • Eat a well balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients
  • Cut down on smoking and drinking

For more information go to:

Contact the practice to book an appointment : 0208 888 0881.

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